Côte d’Ivoire is the second fastest-growing economy in 西非 and the fourth fastest-growing economy in the world, 2023年GDP增长近7%. 在过去十年中, the country has experienced robust economic growth driven by political stability, 西非的战略要地, 不断增长的消费市场, 多元化的经济.

像阿比让这样的大城市, 人口超过500万, 正在经历快速城市化, placing significant pressure on its public transportation infrastructure, 并加剧了环境挑战. The transport sector is responsible for 15% of the national GHG emissions.

在新的国家议程下, the government calls for private sector development and investment to address the long-neglected infrastructure and transport systems. This represents a great opportunity for Swedish companies to provide sustainable transportation solutions to support Côte d’Ivoire in addressing these challenges while fostering economic development, 提高国民生活质量, 减少排放.



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